
Esser Stichting ondersteunt vernieuwend onderzoek en onderwijs op het gebied van plastische en reconstructieve chirurgie en hand chirurgie. Functieverbetering staat hierbij centraal. Het zorgt voor directe verbetering van de levenskwaliteit van patiënten. Esser Stichting is gekwalificeerd als algemeen nut beogende instelling (ANBI).

Aangeboren hand, en polsaandoeningen

Jaap Portuijt | The Triphalangeal Thumb Enigma | A phenotypical approach for enhancer identification in limb development (2022)

Elise Bette Burger | A Good First Step?!| Presentation, treatment, and quality of life in preaxial polydactyly of the foot (2021)

Martijn Baas | Above and Beyond| Classificaton of Congenital Upper Limb Anomalies (2019)

Marjolein de Kraker | The ‘Hypoplastic’ Thumb | Assessment and Outcome Following Reconstruction (2016)

Michiel Zuidam | Triphalangeal Thumb | Three is a crowd (2015)

Monique Saskia Ardon | Needing a Safe Pair of Hands | Functioning and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Congenital Hand Differences (2014)

Verworven hand, en polsaandoeningen

Joris Teunissen | A Long Story Short | Outcomes of ulna shortening osteotomy (2023)

Michelle Esther Brinkhorst | Wrist Motion!? (2022)

Ralph Poelstra | Dupuytren’s disease| more than extenion deficit  (2020)

Verena Schrier | Looking into Carpal Tunnel Syndrome| Prediction and Improvement of Clinical Outcome (2020)

Stefanie Evers | Tunnel Vision | Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the role of Ultrasound (2019)

Jonathan Tsehaie | Thumb Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis | Prediction, rehabiliation and contextual effects (2019)

Chao Zhou | Dupuytrens Disease | Measure Compare Predict (2018)

Dennis de Putter | Hand and Wrist Injuries | Trends and Societal Consequences (2016)

Hester Kan | Straightforward | Innovation and Evaluation in Dupuytren’s disease (2015)

Anika Filius | Dynamics of Carpal Tunnel Structures | Its assessent and role in understanding carpal tunnel syndrom etiology (2015)

Ernst S. Smits | Cold intolerance | From thermoregulation to nerve innervation (2014)

Guus Vermeulen | ‘Thumbs up’ | Surgical Management and Outcome of Primary Osteorarthritis at the Base of the Thumb (2014)

Jennifer S.N. Verhoekx | Regulating Myofibroblasts in Dupuytren’s Disease (2014)

Hand, pols en zenuw

Femke Mathot| Mesenchymal stem cells in peripheral nerve repair | Strain every nerve (2021)

Tiam Mana Saffari | Augmentation of nerve allografts with angiogenesis and stem cells (2021)

Willem D. Rinkel | The Rotterdam Diabetic Foot Study | A different view on lower extremity neuropathy: a new hope against the phantom menace? (2020)

Nadia Rbia | Stem cells in nerve reconstruction | Hype, hope of reality? (2019)

Liselotte F. Bulstra | Nerve Reconstruction | Improving outcome using allografts and stem cells in motor nerve repair (2018)

Caroline A. Hundepool | The Road to Optimized Nerve Reconstruction (2016)

Shoista Kambiz | Dynamics of Epidermal Innervation | Role of the peptidergic and non-peptidergic nerve fibers in relation to peripheral nerve pathology (2015)

Schedel en aangezicht

Joris van der Vlugt | Craniosynostosis | Relationships with cognitive, behavioarl and emotional functioning (2019)

Caroline Driessen | Syndromic raniosynostosis | Sleeping with the enemy (2013)


Annemarie Rozendaal | Oral clefts | Describing and classifying sub-phenotypes and assiocated anomalies (2013)

Reconstructieve chirurgie, oncologie en wondgenezing

Katerina Bogomolova | 3D Learning in anatomical and surgical education in relation to visual-spatial abilities | One size does not fit all (2022)

Samuel Fidder | Rejection, desensitization, and tissue preservation in male urogenital allotransplantation (2022)


Wij zijn blij met uw steun | een bedrag overmaken
schenking | gift | nalaten

Martin van Leen | Prevention of pressure ulcers in nursing homes |  a big challenge (2017)

Eveline Bijlard | Less is more in Keloid Disease |  A clinical study (2017)

Wendy M.W. Tra | Tissue-engineerd Mucosa: Clinical Tool or In Vitro Model? (2014)

Ahmed M.S. Ibrahim | Acellular Dermal Matrix in Postmastecomy Breast Reconstruction (2014)